
Places str into the buffer.

put("text",; will indent "text" at the current level and future code will be indented one level.

put("other", Indent.close); will indent "other" at one less the current indentation.

put("}{", Indent.close | will indent "}{" at one less the current indentation and continue indentation for future code.

rawPut provides the same operations but does not include the current indentation level.

To place indentation but no other code use put("");

To reduce indentation without inserting code use put(Indent.close);

  1. void put(string str, Indent indent = Indent.none, string f = __FILE__, int l = __LINE__)
    struct CodeBuilder
    string str
    string f = __FILE__
    int l = __LINE__
  2. void put(Indent indent)
  3. void put(CodeBuilder build)
  4. void rawPut(string str, Indent indent = Indent.none, string f = __FILE__, int l = __LINE__)
